Chayote is available widely at most grocery stores for around 69 – 99 cent per pound all year round. It has a very mild fresh flavor, beautifully green, and firm texture that when cooked, tastes like a gourd or firm squash. The fruit itself contains lots of amino acids, vitamin C, and other vitamins/minerals as well, making it great for generic healthy eating and dieters in craved of starch.

Chayote can be made into any type of dish, raw, cooked, peeled, or unpeeled. From side to salad, curry to stir fry, bake, roast, steam, boil, etc. this fruit/squash is eaten throughout the world, from Latin America, Asia, and now the USA too.

When peeling a Chayote’s skin, there will be a sticky residue that will cover your hand in a green slime sheen if unprotected. To avoid this, you could either wear disposable food gloves on the hand holding the chayote or peal skin under running water. After peeling, soak chayote in water for a couple of minutes then dip your hand in to wash and remove all those sticky thingies.
If you forgot to do the above when handling chayote and got the sticky greenish layer on your hand or cutting tool. Here’s how you could remove it:
- Use a towel with a few drops of cooking oil to clean your knife to remove the stickiness
- Dip your hand in rice starch, rub then wash with soap and water. If still persist, repeat and try lime juice or something acidic.

Chayote squash stir fried with egg
- 3 chayote squash
- 1 medium-carrot
- 3 mushroom optional
- 2 whole eggs or 5 egg white vegan optional
- 2 pieces garlic
- Cilantro
- Pepper
- 1 Tbsp mushroom seasoning or chicken bouillon powder
- ½ tsp salt
- ¼ cup of water
- 1 Tbsp cooking oil
- Chayote: remove skin, soak in water for a few minute then cut or shred into long thick strip.
- Carrot: remove skin, washed and cut into equal length thinner strip (say french fry).
- Mushroom (if use): wash and slice evenly.
- Eggs or egg white: in a bowl, stir and mix with ½ Tbsp seasoning powder and a sprinkle of ground pepper.
- Cilantro: chop and mince.
- Garlic: peel and smash.
- At high heat, place a wide area pan and add oil. Quickly turn the pan around to let oil cover the whole pan area. Remove excess/dripping oil. Wait 1-2 minutes for pan to be hot.
- Add mashed garlic, stir quickly till light golden brown.
- Add Chayote, mushroom (if use) and carrot.
- Add ½ tsp Salt, ½ Tbsp seasoning powder or bouillon powder, stir 1-2 minutes.
- Add ¼ cup of water, now stir for about 2-5 minutes (or until your desired softness, test the chayote, more crunch = less time).
- Pour the mixed egg all over while stirring with the other hand. Turn off the heat source.
- Add cilantro and sprinkle on some more ground pepper, stir once more to mix them.
- Transfer to plate and serve.

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