As you might already know, there are all kinds of sushi, among those is Temaki. Temaki or Temakizushi is simply the cone shape – hand-rolled version of the usual maki sushi that you have. The content inside is just as wild as any regular sushi roll.

So today, after scouting through our local Japanese market and found some nice fresh sushi-grade fish, this is the idea I come up with. I’d call it “A day on the beach“, not that I really want to go but couldn’t *cough*.
For the sand, try to shred or grate a daikon radish or pickled ginger (the un-dyed one). Several sauces are included in the glazing to make resembling that of ocean waves: unagi, mayonnaise, and sriracha. But you can use anything really, like dyeing the mayo into blue maybe?!?

To make a temaki, it’s fairly easy. Simply spread the rice, arrange ingredients, and roll the nori up into cones. Even your kiddo can do it. In fact, I would suggest preparing all the ingredients, then have a rolling session as your group enjoying them. The reason is that nori tastes the best while being crispy, and it tends to absorb moisture in rice/topping if left too long.
Afterward, just rest your temaki on your decorated plate if you roll them all and serve to others.

To eat temaki, first make sure your hands are clean, as temaki will only be consumed by hands, any other method would be resulting in a crumbly mess. Now as you roll a temaki or was given one, eat it immediately. Pick up on the lower/small end, dip the opening with a minimal amount of soy sauce and take a big bite. Feel contented and just repeat 2-3 more times to finish the temaki.

Recipe for A day on the Beach Temaki sushi
- 2 sheets nori
- 1/4 Hass avocado
- 1/4 mini cucumber/dill
- 4 pieces kani – imitation crab meat
- 4 Tbsp tobiko – flying fish eggs/roes or masago
- 2/3 cup cook & seasoned sushi rice
- 1 medium daikon radish or similar for garnishment
Sushi grade raw
- 1 oz salmon
- 1 oz tuna
- 1 oz white tuna
- or any fish/toppings of choice
Decorative & Glazing sauce
- unagi sauce
- Kewpie mayo or mayonnaise
- Sriracha
- Shred daikon to use as garnishing decoration, or you can use pickled ginger as well.
- Prepare the plate by glazing and decorating with the sauces for each portion.
- Cut your raw toppings (tuna, salmon, etc.) into 3″ to 4 ” length sticks.
- Cut along the longer side of mini cucumber and avocado to create thin long sticks.
- Fold each nori sheet in half, then tear into two.
- Place a piece of nori onto your hand or a flat surface.
- Spread one of divided rice portion to cover 1/3 of the nori’s left side
- Arrange each stick of the topping on top of rice, starting with the softer ones(e.g. fish)
- Drizzle on some sauce like kewpie or sriracha.
- Top with a spoon of tobiko.
- Now, just lift one corner (closer to you) and roll it in a triangular motion to create the cone shape.
- Place this finished temaki on top of the decorated dish and serve immediately while the nori still crispy.

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