Asparagus is among one of my top favorite veggies, as it provides loads of fiber, antioxidants with almost no empty calories. There are a lot of methods for cooking asparagus, and roasting would be the easiest, fastest among them all. In fact, for oven-roasted asparagus, all you have to do are wash the spears, seasoning, add spices, and throw them in the oven for 10 minutes.

Among the spice and seasoning of choices, I found that garlic and olive oil or butter work together pretty well to produce an irresistible aroma. Also, adding lemon juice will help with the taste and eliminating the need for sugar too.

You could roast them in the oven, pan-roasted/fry, or microwave them too, just adjusting the time a bit. For the overall health-conscious, roasting them over a raised grid rack would eliminate extra oil as well. If you’re afraid that they might be too dry, add some water to the roasting pan underneath to keep them moist while being brown.

Recipe for Oven roasted Asparagus with garlic
- 1 bunch Asparagus
- 2 cloves garlic
- 2 tsp olive oil
- 1/4 tsp salt
- lemon
- Preheat oven to 400F.
- Snap off the hard woody ends of all asparagus, peel some skins off the stalks too if any.
- Wash, drain and pat them dried good before placing them in a clean container.
- Sprinkle on some salt, add 2 tsp olive oil and crushed garlic. Toss and shake until mix.
- Pan them out on roasting rack or lined pan and roast in oven for 8-10 minutes, depend on Asparagus thickness. If you’re using lined pan, remember to turned them in between for even roasting.
- Remove from heat, add a couple lemon drops and zest if desired.
- Serve hot.
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