So after having fun with angel food cake, macaroon, meringue cookies… or similar, you are stuck with so many yolks. If you’re too tired of eating various yolks’ recipes one after another, why not just preserve them? Salted or Salt-cured yolks are easy to do, just a couple extra steps, and a container will do.

Personally, I don’t care much for the white in salted egg, the only use for it is to consume with congee. The yolk, however, tastes much better. It’s salty, greasy, buttery, and sort of umami. Salt-curing does indeed intensify yolk’ flavor and bring it into a special regimen.
Traditionally, eggs are cured with brine and a mixture of clove, cinnamon, star anise, fennel seeds…. over a period of 4-6 weeks. This method requires longer times, but the whole eggs could be preserved much longer. This is what I recommend to our neighbor who has way too many eggs out of her barn.

For others, who short on time and in a rush for quick salted yolks, curing them directly is a better choice. This method’s curing time is anywhere between 8hrs (overnight) to over a day. Any time longer and your yolk will be extra salty.
Just grate the cook/baked salted yolks onto any dishes like salad, pasta, soup, frying… anywhere your normal Parmesan, cheese, or similar would go and you will see the difference in flavor. Definitely bold up with excitement.

Most recipes with salted yolks would require them to be cooked. You can do this either by boiling or baking. The latter deems to preserve yolks with more brilliant color and flavor.
If you choose to bake your yolks, DO dip or brush them with a solution of liquor and five-spices powder. This will help to remove any unpleasant “egg smell” while helping them to stay fresh longer.

Salt cured Egg Yolks
- 10 egg yolks
- 100 g salt
Cook & Preservation
- ½ tsp five spice powder
- ⅓ cup vodka, sherry or any liquor
- Spread a thin layer of salt over the bottom surface of your container or ice tray
- For each egg: carefully crack open and separate the yolk. Arrange it into container.
- Cover yolks with remaining salt.
- Wrap/close container and let it cure in fridge overnight or up to a day. More if you want yolk to be even saltier.
Cook and Preservation
- Preheat oven to 350 F. Line your tray.
- Mix five spice powder with you liquor.
- Rinse salted yolks under light tap water to wash away salt and any leftover white.
- Dip each yolk into liquor mixture before arranging it onto baking tray.
- Bake for 10-12 minutes. When done let cool at room temperature.
- Yolks are now ready to use in most recipes or grated over salad, pasta, soup, frying dishes.
- Store in sealed containers in the freezer for up to 3 months. Just defrost as the need for subsequent uses.
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