Here’s a quick recipe on vegetarian or lactose-free chickpea milk or so call garbanzo bean milk. You can make this from scratch (i.e. dry bean), but the wait time probably deters most.

Anyhow, get a can of the organic bean, and we’ll be good. It’s the same if not similar to how you make soy milk, almond milk, or any kind of nut/fruity milk.
Since most chickpea can already contain salt (to keep the bean firm), there’s no need to add extra. Otherwise, if you’re using raw/dried bean, add a pinch or two to neutralize the sour after taste.

To sweeten it up, you can add sugar, honey, or any choice of sweeteners. Just make sure to add them along with the beans so the blender will help in diluting them.
I always find it’s best to drink them warm, especially after a chill evening of trick-or-treating around the town.

Chickpea milk
- can chickpea garbanzpo bean
- 4 cups water
- 2 Tbsp sugar optional
- Drain chickpea from the can. You can save the liquid for other recipes or use in place of water for chickpea milk.
- Add chickpea along with liquid and sugar to the blender. Pulse a few times and blend them well.
- Use a fine cheesecloth or cotton strainer to strain and discard the solids. Squeeze a few times to extract all the juice out..
- Simmer while stirring on the stove top until boil.
- Cool and serve.
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