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Tropical Fruity Smoothies & Coffee Jelly

Frozen Tropical Fruity Smoothies and Coffee Jelly Top

Easy and versatile frozen smoothies for everyone to enjoy, either a morning coffee substitution or a goodbye summer celebration.
Course Dessert, Drinks
Keyword Bubble Tea, Coffee Jello, Cold Beverage, Fruits, Morning drinks
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Jelly Cool down time 1 hour 30 minutes
Servings 0
Author Victoria


  • Blender
  • Ice mold, bowl or anything similar


Coffee Jelly

  • 4 g carrageenan, jelly powder or similar
  • ¼ tsp agar
  • cup sugar
  • 4 oz coffee brew to desired strength
  • 200 ml water


  • 2 cups frozen tropical fruits of choice or any flavor like strawberry, berries...
  • ½ cup coconut milk or milk
  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds


Coffee Jelly

  • Brew your favorite coffee to desire strength.
  • Measure sugar into a small container.
  • Add carrageenan/jelly powder and agar to sugar, mix well.
  • In a small pot over medium heat, add water and coffee.
  • Gradually pour in the sugar mixture while stirring the liquid in pot.
  • Keep stirring to mix and dissolve all particles.
  • Just before boiling, turn off heat and stir for another minute or two.
  • Carefully pour into safe bowl or mold. Let cool to room temperature.
  • Chill in the fridge overnight or at least an hour before cutting if needed.

Fruits Smoothie

  • Add all ingredients of your smoothies into blender.
  • Add a couple of grain of salt to intensify flavor if need.
  • Pulse a few times and blend them well. Add ice if extra cold is desired.
  • Add the prepared coffee jelly as toppings and serve with a big straw.