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Milk tea cup with cheese jelly

Recipe for Cream cheese jelly milk tea

Girly twirly sweet with this delicious yet appealing drinks: the cream cheese jelly milk tea. Derived from the infamous boba or bubble tea, this is just fun with all different flavor while being cheesy also. Fabulous in summer, yet perfect in winter too, cause you get to skip that extra ice.
Course Sweets treat
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Servings 4 -6
Author Victoria


Cream cheese Jelly

  • 1 pack Cream cheese wedges/blocks Laughing cow
  • 7 grams Agar agar powder
  • 3 grams Jelly powder
  • 100 grams sugar
  • 4 cups water
  • Flavor choices coffee, orange juice, matcha, grape juice, etc.

For each Milk tea cup

  • 1 bag green tea 1/2 tsp matcha or any flavor of choice
  • 2-3 jasmine buds
  • 1-2 Tbsp sweeten condensed milk


Cream cheese jelly

  • Chill cream cheese in fridge to harden them up before cutting. Cut cream cheese into smaller chunks.
  • Add 4 cups of water, 100 grams sugar, agar and jelly powder to a small/medium stock pot. Try to be precise as small amount of agar/jelly powder would create large quantity.
  • Stir and twirl until all sugar/powder fully dissolve and let sit for 5 minutes.
  • Place this pot onto medium heat, keep stirring to prevent overflow for 3-5 minutes.
  • When hot (solution start bubbling up), reduce heat to warm setting.
  • Mix 1/3 - 1/4 quantity with a desirable flavor fluid/powder.
  • Ladle into mold, wait a couple minutes to harden up, add cream cheese then ladle till full.
  • Repeat with other flavors. Remember to stir before ladle out, heat up if necessary to thin them out for easier handling.
  • When all molds are cooled to room temperature, chill in fridge for 1 - 2 hours.

Milk tea

  • Heat water, add a couple jasmine buds (for aroma).
  • When water is boiling, remove from heat and pour into mug. Throw in a tea bag, sip for 10-20 minutes or per each kind instruction.
  • For each cup stir in a Tbsp or two of sweeten condensed milk, until desire sweetness.
  • Chill in fridge until serving.


  • For each cup of chilled milk tea, add some cream cheese jelly cubes to serve.
  • To have the drink cooler, shake them in a drink shaker with ice or add extra fun toppings like pearl, mung bean, fruit chunks...
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